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Is there any alternative for Gemstone in Astrology?

Astrological Remedies
Astrological Remedies

As per Hindu Vedic Astrology, all the Planets have their qualities of color, size, environment, mental, gems, caste, gender, language, character, illness, directions, grains (or) cereals, vehicle, taste and their Lord. For example, let us see the qualities of Venus.

1.     Gender - Female

2.     Size (Appearances) - Normal

3.     Language - Sanskrit

4.     Colour - Pure White

5.     Caste - Brahmin

6.     Character - Peaceful

7.     Illness -Phlegm

8.     Direction - East

9.     Gem - Diamond

10. Grain (or) Cereal - Vaal

11. Flower - White Lotus

12. Smell - Fig

13. Vehicle - Eagle

14. Taste - Sweet

15. Metal - Silver

16. Day - Friday

17. Month - Jyestha (Taurus/Mid-May to Mid-June)

18. Month - Kartika (Libra/Mid-October to Mid-November)

19. Star - Poorva, Purvasada and Bharani

20. Lord - Goddess Lakshmi

Hence, there are many factors that denotes the Venus. We can do remedies for Venus in many ways to improve the functional capabilities of Venus (or) to reduce the malefic results that arises due to the Venusā€™s Lordship over malefic houses. For example, we can do simple remedies to eliminate the problems caused by the Venus in our Life.

1.     Wear white color dresses.

2.     Keep White Lotus in the business places

3.     Worship Goddess Lakshmi with white lotus on Fridays

4.     Worship Goddess Lakshmi with sweets and distribute to the public who come to the temple.

5.     Give sweets (like candy/chocolates/sweet milk) to the people, who visit your work place

6.     Observe Venus in the night sky (after sunset) and during the early morning (before Sunrise) on the South West direction.

7.     Help Girls who are unable to marry

8.     Help the women, who are displaced in their life.

9.     Wear Silver ring in your right-hand ring finger (or) wear sliver ring around your neck (or) silver bracelet in your hand.

10. Keep Goddess Lakshmi picture made of Silver in your Pooja Room and do the Puja.

11. Keep silver vessels to keep the money & important documents at your house/workplace.

12. Place the picture of Lord Vishnu with Garuda at your workplace

13. Prepare dishes out of Vaal; and offer to Venus on Fridays; and distribute to people who come to the temple

14. Help people who are greatly affected by Asthmatic conditions.

15. Recite Sukra Gayatri Mantra (or) Sukra Mool Mantra

16. Pray to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi and recite bhajans and mantras.


Buy Diamond (if you have the money (or) capability to borrow money)

Conclusions: There are many ways that a native can perform remedies for any Planet. It is not true that only by wearing costly jewels would mitigate all your problems. To support, I give story from the older books.

Once, there was a young man who lived with his wife. Both were humble and pious. The husband was struggling with low income, since he didnā€™t want to make money through unlawful manner. One day, the husband went to the temple; and heard a spiritual discourse. The Spiritual preacher was asking everyone to do ā€œAnna Danaā€ (donating food to the poor & needy); and was explaining about the importance attached to it. The Spiritual preacher told everyone that it is a simple method to overcome the ā€œDaridriya Yogaā€ (Curse of living in extreme poverty & illness).

The Husband had returned home and wanted to donate food, so that he can overcome his poverty. But the problem is that he didn't even have enough money to feed himself and also his wife. To give Anna Dana, he must have large amount of money; but he knew that it was not possible. He felt sad and became silent; and sat down in front of his small house.

At that time. he saw many ants in front of his house entrance, where his wife had drawn Rangoli with rice powder. Those ants were picking those rice powder to store it for the winter periods for their food requirements. Then the Husband had developed an idea. He went in and brought handful of rice power. He sprinkled all those rice powder all over the place. Suddenly, he saw thousands & thousands of ants coming out to get their share of rice powder.

He had realized that he was able to feed millions of ants and thus he completed his Anna Dana for the day. He was able to repeat his way of ā€œAnna Danaā€ by feeding all kind of living creature. In a matter of time, he was able to rise above the poverty and lived a happy & contented life.

Authorā€™s Take:

1.     The world is for everyone to live. Nothing is impossible in this world, if we use our skill and knowledge in a perfect manner. We can turn the negative into positive for us.

2.     Nowhere in any old Astrological books (or) texts, the gems are mentioned as the only remedy for the troubles. (In fact, the old Astrological chronicle says that Karma will complete its duty; the remedial measures will be able to minimize the losses).

3.     First, try to understand, which planet is really creating setbacks.

4.     Then try to do the remedies within your financial limits and the amount of time that you can spend on.

5.     Remedies alone will not solve the problems. Proper decisions in our life is crucial to have a trouble-free life.

6.     Smoking (or) driving (or) indulging in corrupt practices (or) living in a immoral manner (or) harassing/torturing others (or) abusing others will kill all the benefits that are derived through doing Pariharam (remedial measures).

7.     Simply to put it, if a person wears all kind of gems in his body; and live a filthy life (or) immoral life (or) maintain criminal activities, then the native may have to pay a very heavy price in his/her life.

8.     Prayer to the God on daily basis along with all kind of remedial measures (wearing gems/doing homam/visiting important temples all over the world) will not yield any results, if the nativeā€™s mind & body is unclean.

9.     If the Gems are going to help improve the life standards irrespective of the bad decision making and the karma that are associated with the nativeā€™s birth, then the simple logic is that all the Jewelers (all over the world) must lead a happy and successful life.

10. If that is true, then the biggest jeweler Mr. Nirav Modi should not have landed his life in such a mess.


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Aries - Mesha Rasi  Taurus - Vrishaba Rasi  Gemini - Mithuna Rasi  Cancer - Kataka Rasi  Leo - Simha Rasi  Virgo - Kanya Rasi   Libra - Thula Rasi  Scorpio - Vrischika Rasi  Sagittarius - Dhanusu Rasi  Capricorn - Makar Rashi  Aquarius - Kumbha Rasi  Pisces - Meena Rasi 


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