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Rina Pariharam: How to overcome the "terminally illness"?

Astrological Remedies
Temple to cure Terminally ill patients

 Everyone must understand that the illness that hurts our body is nothing but our bad Karma that we have carried forward from our previous life. Thus, if we want to get rid of our illness fully, we must identify the bad Karma that are associated with the illness, and must take efforts to rectify it through astrological guidance and spiritual help.

Temple to cure ā€œTerminally illā€ Patients:

Long ago, there lived a King ā€œKolli Vala Malavanā€ ruling over a small kingdom stretching over the Kolli Hills in Tamilnadu. He had a beautiful teenaged girl child and the King had taken too much care in bringing up the girl. Unfortunately, the Girl had developed an illness that had been described as ā€œMuyalaganā€, which had been classified as ā€œterribleā€ & ā€œincurableā€. The King did his best to cure the illness of the girl by bringing up the best people in the Medicines within his country; and also brought up many peoples from top medical hierarchy elsewhere. He had also sought the help of yogis & tantric to cure the illness, but nothing worked out.

The King had lost all the hope, except the faith on the God. The King was a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva. So, he brought her Girl Child to the Lord Shiva temple and placed her before the temple entrance, so that the Girl could see the Lord Shiva very easily.

Here the Lord Shiva is called as ā€œMattruraivaradeswararā€ and the Goddess is called ā€œBala Soundari Ambalā€. The King had possessed the full faith on Lord Shiva; and hoped to see the better days aheadā€.

In Tamil Nadu, there were 63 saints (Nayanmars) in the Shaivite sect of Hinduism. Among them 4 Nayanmars are called as ā€œNalvarā€ (meaning group of 4) are considered to be ā€œGemsā€ among them; and they are considered to the Pillars of Shaivite sect of Hinduism in Tamil Nadu. One among them is Holy Thiru Gnananda Sambandar who sang countless hymns in the praise of Lord Shiva by visiting countless temples across Tamil Nadu. The temples that has been visited by the Holiness are considered as ā€œPatal Petra Sthalamā€ (meaning = temple that are graced by the Songs/hymns in the praise of the Lord Shiva).  

The King Kolli Vala Malavan came to know that His Holiness Sambandar was on his spiritual trip to various temples around Tiruchirappalli; and went on to invite the Sambandar to visit this particular temple and his Kingdom. The King met the Holiness Sambandar and invited him to his country and to the Palace to take some rest. But the Holiness Sambandar came to know about the condition of the girl child of the King; and preferred to visit the temple at once. Once at the temple, the Holiness Sambandar saw the condition of the Girl. He was pained at seeing the condition of the Girl with the terminal illness. Then, the Holiness Thiru Gnananda Sambandar sang a hymn in the praise of the God Lord Shiva.

The Hymn started with ā€œThuni Valar Thingalā€ and had 11 stanzas. Each stanza will praise the Lord Shiva of his Greatness and his forgiving nature and softness towards his disciples. Then the Holiness Sambandar asks the Lord Shiva the reason behind in keeping the Girl under this medical difficulty; and went on to ask the Lord Shiva to be gracious enough to forgive the bad Karma of the King and the Girl.  Thus the Girl started to regain her consciousness and got back her to original health before the Holiness Sambandar could finish the hymn.

The King, his daughter and the peoples who were present at that time were elated and chanted ā€œOm Nama Sivayaā€. Then everybody started following the footsteps of Holi Sambandar and went inside the temple and thanked the Lord Shiva for gracious nature by curing the illness that were considered as ā€œTerminalā€ (or) ā€œincurableā€.

The King and the later periods, the Tamil Chola Kings constructed a Mandapam, where the Girl was lying down and annexed it with the main temple. The temple is situated in a small village called ā€œThiru Vasiā€ which is very near to western suburb of Tiruchirappalli on the State Highway connecting the Tiruchirappalli to Salem.  

Importance of the Temple:

Goddess Bala Soundari Ambal graces in the west direction (in all Lord Shiva temples, the Goddess Parvathi graces in the South direction only) overlooking the Lord Shiva itself. The Holy water obtained from the ā€œAbhishekaā€ of Goddess Bala Soundari Ammal is the actual medicine to get cured out of the illness.

The Place where the daughter of the King was lying down 

Closer View of the area where the Girl was lying down

View of the Original Temple

Annmam Poigai (Holy water Tank)

Inner View of the Temple

How to worship in the Temple?

1.     It is better to take the patients direct to the temple. (At present, there are no boarding & lodging places near the temple).
2.     It is better to stay near the temple for overnight and take bath in the temple bond called as ā€œAnnamam Poigaiā€ (a pond within the temple premises, which has been protected by the iron gates); you can get some water from the pond (or) the ā€œAbhishekaā€ water and mix it with the bucket containing the normal water and take bath.
3.     Have a darshan & Puja on daily basis both in the morning and evening hours.
4.     The temple authorities would provide a packet containing ā€œHoly Ashā€ after performing puja. Mix the Holy ash with ā€œAbhishekaā€ water daily and drink it.
5.     In the temple, they advertise the people to come on every Sunday for three 3 consecutive Sundays and do Puja and drink ā€œAbhishekaā€ water. You can also opt for this method too.
6.     In my view, the Mondays are better than Sundays. You can opt for doing the Puja and Abhisheka for 3 consecutive Mondays too.
7.     You can opt for any one of the schedules that are feasible to you. Remember, if you are able to set your foot in this temple, you would be witnessing the miracle of getting cured out of the terminal illness.
8.     If the patient is not able to travel, then the process/puja can be done by the blood relatives of the patient @ father/mother/brothers & sisters/husband/children. The holy ash mixed with the Abhisheka water should be consumed by the patient; and the patient must visit the Lord Shiva and must thank Him after overcoming the illness.

Guidance & Notes before going to the temple:

1.     Make sure that everyone including the patient should not use drugs (or) drink alcohol (or) smoke (or) eat non-vegetarian foods.
2.     Make sure that nobody involves in sexual activities while accompanying the entourage.
3.     Must control anger, jealousness, highhandedness and enmity before entering the temple.
4.     It is not compulsory to go through fasting; but can be maintained if it is possible. But you must not eat any food that stimulates your mind & body; hence ā€œSattvicā€ soft vegetarian foods are recommended.
5.     Must develop the confidence that the bad Karma is the sole reason behind the illness; the bad karma could be deleted by the Lord Shiva only.
6.     It is always better to understand the type of ā€œKarmaā€ that affects the patientā€™s horoscope; and take steps accordingly to prevent it forever and doesnā€™t affect the other family members.
7.     You can read the Karma theory in my blog: and also by visiting my answers in the Quora: 
8.  Worship Lord Ganesh first; Lord Muruga/Nandi/Lord Shiva/Goddess Bala Soundari Ambal (in that order)
9.  Never to forget to worship Lord Nataraja here in this temple. Here the Natarja will not have loose hair; and it would be intertwined. Also, the Lord Natarajar would be dancing above the Serpant (which can't be see anywhere in the World).
10.Never forget about the Holiness Thiru Gnana Sambandar. Pray to the Sambandar to help cure the illness through his daily hymns to the Lord Shiva. 
11.Recite the Hymn by yourself (books are availbale) (or) listen to the view in the video from the youtube. 

How to reach the Temple:

1.     The temple is situated 13 kms from Tiruchirappalli.
2.     The name of Village is called as ā€œThiru Vasiā€; and lies Ā½ km on the main road connecting Trichy and Salem.
3.     You have to take a right turn at the Tollgate Round tana (Srirangam) while going towards Trichy from Chennai.
4.      After crossing a railway overbridge, you will reach a place called ā€œNochiyamā€. You must continue to travel straight for another 3 to 4 kms to reach a place where you see a small board indicating the direction and name of the village (Thiru vasi).
5.     You have turn right into katcha road for another Ā½ km to arrive at the temple.
6.     You can also call the temple priest Mr. Kumar Gurukkal (Mobile number: 94869 16362) for any help & directions.
7.     You can contact me, if you need any astrological guidance (Mobile number: 8939003500, 8939006500)
8. There are few city buses from "Chatiram Bus Stand" (within Trichy) to Tiruvasi (which come after long interval); but you can get into mofusil buses going towards "Salem" and get down on the main Road and can walk for few distnace. 


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