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The Pariharam for Sukra (Venus) must be done, if we find the following astrological positions. 1. The Placement of Sukra (Venus) in 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 10th house from the lagna. 2. The Sukra (Venus) getting debilitated in the Kanni Rasi (Virgo sign). 3. The Sukraa (Venus) becoming weaker in Navamsa and Dasamsa charts. 4. The Sukra (Venus) travesring in the 22nd start or 88th star path, counted from the person's Jenma Nakshatra. 5. The Sukra (Venus) getting very low counts from the Sukra Ashtavarga. 6. Those with Kataka, Mesha, Makara, Viruchika, Rishaba and Kumbha lagna must also do pariharam. 7. Those who are born in the Bharani, Pooram and Pooradam Nashatras. 8. Those who are in the midst of Sukra Mahadasa or Sukra Antardasa periods. 9. Those who has the combination of Chevva and Sukra, Chandra and Sukra, Sun and Sukra in the natal charts. 10. Those who are born in the Pratipad (Prathamai), Chathurthi, Triyodasi and Thuvadasi Thithi's should also do ...


The Sukra Dosha can also be removed through the following methods. 1. Helping a aged girl to get married, whose marriage is delayed due to financial constraints. 2. Helping any destitute homes that houses girls, widows, orphaned women or aged women. 3. Helping any needy Girl children to pursue their studies. 4. Helping any girl or women who are stranded in distress. 5. Mediating between the Couples to help them to sort out their differences. THE REAL MEANING OF PARIHARAM FACTS ABOUT GEMS FACTS ABOUT FASTING HOW TO CHANT MANTRAS HOW TO WORSHIP NAVAGRAHAS? BEST PLACE TO DO PARIHARAM HOW LONG A PARIHARAM IS TO BE DONE? CAN I DO PARIHARAM THROUGH PROXIES? READ THIS BEFORE DOING PARIHARAM HOW TO DO PARIHARAM IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY?


There are one more alternative method to do pariharam for the Sukra:  1. Take bath early on the Friday morning before sunrise. 2. Fasting on the day is advisable. 3. Take 15/24 lentil moccai (Motchai) in a white cloth or white paper. Keep it in your shirt pocket . Do not place it below the waist. 4. Worship Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Goddess Lakshmi and the Sukra. 5. Keep working all day. 6. Keep it under your pillow, while you go to sleep in the night. 7. No alcohol, eggs, non vegetarian foods, sexual thoughts and inter courses, use of harsh and filthy languages (applicable till Saturday early morning @ sunrise that starts from Friday sunrise). If these are violated, then the pariharam would not deliver any results. 8. The lentil moccai (Motchai)  must be kept safe and secure in the Puja room on the next morning. Unclean persons should not be allowed to touch these pack containing lentil moccai (Motchai). 9. Do it for the next 9 c...


There are more alternative method to do pariharam for the Sukra: 1. Take bath early on the Friday morning before sunrise. 2. Fasting on the day is advisable. 3. Take 9/18 lentil moccai (Motchai) in a white cloth or white paper. Keep it in your shirt pocket or tie it in the saree. Do not put it below your waist. Should not be palced in the hand bag or any separate luggage. 4. Woship Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Goddess Lakshmi and the Sukra. 5. Keep working all day. 6. Keep it under your pillow, while you go to sleep in the night. 7. No alcohol, eggs, non vegetarian foods, sexual thoughts and inter courses, use of harsh and filthy languages (applicable till Saturday early morning @ sunrise that starts from friday sunrise). If these are violated, then the pariharam would not deliver any results. 8. The lentil moccai (Motchai) must be kept safe and secure in the Puja room on the next morning. Unclean persons should not be allowed to touch these pack containing...


The Pariharam for the Sukra (Venus) can be done in the Shiva temples in the following methods. 1. Light up ghee or gingelly oil (sesame seed oil) lamps with white cotton wicks. 2. You can put take small quantity of moccai (Motchai) (dried beans) into the lamp and light up. 3. Place few lentil moccai (Motchai) and place the lamp above it and light up. 4. Do puja in your name by prescribing your nakshatra and rasi. 5. Offer dishes prepared with motchai (dried beans) to the Lord Sukra in the Navagraha and distribute the prasadam to the devotees present in the temple. 6. Chant the Sukra Gayatri and/or Moola mantras by 9/27/81/108 times. 7. Offer Pure White cotton cloth to the Sukra or White color Silk Saree (Pattu) cloth to Goddess Lakshmi and do puja in your name. 8. Do Abhisekam for the Sukra or Goddess Lakshmi on the designated days. Note:  1. You can do any one of these pariharam or any number of combinations of these pariharams. 2. Invite others also to join with ...


The Athidevathi for the Sukra is the Goddess Lakshmi. So by worshipping the Goddess Lakshmi also removes the Sukra Dosha. You can recite the Gayatri Mantra for the Goddess Lakshmi. The Gayatri Mantra should be recited 9/18/81/108 times either everyday or on the designated days. Let us see the Gayatri Mantra of the Goddess Lakshmi: Om Mahadevyya Vitmahae Vishnu Pathneesa Dheemahi Thanno Lakshmi Prajothayath: ஓம் மஹாதேவ்ய வித்மஹே  விஷ்ணு பத்னீச தீமஹி  தன்னோ லக்ஷ்மி ப்ரசோதயாத்: Chanting the Sukra Gayatri for the Goddess Lakshmi brings good results. 1. Sit in your Pooja room. 2. Offer White flower (preferably White lotus flower) to the Gods. 3. Place a vessel (Possibly a tumbler made of Bronze and Copper) filled with water upto the rim. 4. Light up lamps with Ghee/Gingelly oil. 5. Start with worship of Lord Ganesha. 6. Worship other Gods. 7. Worship the Sukra by chanting 9/27/81/108 times by the above mentioned mantras. Finish your worship.  ...


Given below are the Gayatri Mantra and the Moola mantra for the Sukra (Venus): Gayatri Mantri of Sukra (Venus): Om Thath Purusaya Vitmahae Suvatharnaya Dheemahi Thanno Sukra Prajothayath. ஓம் தத்புருஷாய வித்மஹே  ச்வேதவர்ணாய தீமஹி  தன்னோ சுக்ர ப்ரசோதயாத்: Moola Mantra of Sukra (Venus): Himaguntha Mirunalapam Thaithyanam Paramam Gurum Sarva Sasthira fravaktharam Bhargavam franamam yaham: ஹிமகுந்த ம்ருணா லாபம்  தைத்யாணாம் பரமம்குரும்  ஸர்வ சாஸ்திர  ப்ரவக்தாரம்  பார்க்கவம் ப்ரணமாம் யஹம்: Chanting any one of the Sukra Gayatri or Moola Mantras brings good results. 1. Sit in your Pooja room. 2. Offer White flower (preferably White lotus flower) to the Gods. 3. Place a vessel (Possibly a tumbler made of Bronze and Copper) filled with water upto the rim. 4. Light up lamps with Ghee/Gingelly oil. 5. Start with worship of Lord Ganesha. 6. Worship other Gods. 7. Worship the Sukra by chanting 9/27/81/108 times by ...