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Showing posts with the label Rina Pariharam


Astrological ways to cure the body illness:  Please find the below mentioned table that indicates the type of illness that are created in our body; and the planets that are responsible for it. In the above table, we have also listed the Pulses and Grains that are related to all 9 planets. Now let us find the method to clear the illness from our body. 1. Start the Rina Pariharam by doing a Puja to Lord Ganesha for the successful completion of the Pariharam. 2. Take handful of all these 9 Pulses/Grains; and cover it with a new cotton cloth. 3. Keep these small bags consisting of all these 9 Pulses/Grains into your pocket for 9 continuous days. 4. You must keep it in your shirt pocket; and should not keep it below your waist. 5. You can remove it from your shirt; and keep it under your pillow, while you sleep. You must keep it away from your body, while you go to bathroom. 6. On the 10th day, sow all these seeds in a clean & new mud pot. 7. Kee


Planetary Position that could intensify the illness:  There are methods to find whether a sickness would heal or gets intensified. Let us analyze the situation that makes the sickness into serious condition. 1. If a sickness starts on the days with below mentioned Karna's    1.  Chatushpada    2. Navagam    3. Kinthuikkinam    4. Sakuni 2. If a sickness starts on a day having the patient's Birth Star (OR) the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 19th Birth Star from the patient's own Birth Star. 3. If a sickness starts on Chaturthi, Navami, Chaturdasi,  Shashti , Ashtami,  Dwadasi  and Amavasya.  4. If a sickness starts on a day, when the Moon is placed on the 8th house from his own Rasi. 5. If a sickness starts on a day, when the Moon traverses in the 22nd Star or 88th Path from the patient's own Birth Star. Results: The illness are likely to remain and create troubles in a chronic manner. It is always better to delay the first time medical treatmen


Days to be avoided for taking new Health treatment:  As per the Hindu Vedic Astrology, we should avoid certain days to start a new Health treatment for an illness. Let us see the details in depth. 1. We should not take the first treatment for a new illness. 2. We should not get admitted on a hospital on those days. 3. We should not opt for operation on those particular day. These treatment made on those days would certainly make the sickness stay permanently on the patient. (OR) the patient may not able to return back to his house, the way he had left his house earlier. Let us see those days that are forbidden for starting a new treatment (or) for conducting any type of surgery (or) to make any major decisions on Health Issues.  Serial No Days Thithi Star 1 Sunday Chaturthi Thiruvathira, Magham, Ayilyam 2 Tuesday Navami Bharani, Swathi, Kettai 3 Saturday Chaturdasi Pooram, Pooradam, Purattathi