How to eliminate Bad Dreams ( बुरा सपना / கெட்ட கனவு )? Mantra for Bad Dreams This Mantra can be recited before going to bed or after getting some bad dreams. Achyutham Kesavam Vishnum Harim Sathyam Janarthanam Hamsam Narayanam Krishnam Japeth thusswapna Santhayae Mantra (in Tamil) அச்யுதம் கேச ' வம் விஷ்ணும் ஹரிம் ஸ்த்யம் ஜனார்த்தனம் ஹம்சம் நாராயணம் கிருஷ்ணம் ஜபேத் துஸ்ஸ்வப்ன சாந்தயே Methods to use this Mantra before going to bed: 1. Wash your hands, legs and face with normal water before going to bed. 2. Put Holy Ash in your forehead. 3. Chant this Mantra thrice before going to bed. 4. Your mind and body should be perfectly clean. Methods to use this Mantra, if you had seen any bad dreams. 1. Get up from the bed after seeing any bad dreams. 2. Wash your hands, legs and face with normal water. 3. Put Holy Ash in your forehead. 4. Must sleep again before getting up early in t...